What to use to pay attention to the use of household paper classification
Author:rsit    2016-10-08 15:24:56   
AbstractHas always been used as a cleaning and disinfection of cleaning supplies are not "clean"
Has always been used as a cleaning and disinfection of cleaning supplies are not "clean", which makes a lot of consumers panic.
Cleaning paper: milk white, do not drop the powder is a good paper
State regulations, cleaning paper refers to the toilet paper, and paper towels to fulfill the cleaning specification is not the same, the total number of bacterial colonies of the former request less than 600 / g, and the latter should be less than 200 / g. Therefore, the cleaning paper can not be used for wiping hands or cleaning the mouth. The world food packaging Association Secretary General Dong Jinshi indicated that under normal conditions, the cleaning paper should be good for the white paper, not rough, no holes or impurities, using powder will not fall. Some bulk sale of cleaning paper, because the demolition of the outer packaging, the lack of proper maintenance, simple infection with bacteria, advocated as far as possible not to buy. Tissue paper: "100% pure wood pulp" is not necessarily the best many people think wood pulp made of paper is more natural, is the best, in fact, otherwise. Tissue paper, napkin production materials mainly cotton pulp, wood pulp, straw pulp, white edge (unprinted paper edge), which is the best cotton pulp, wood pulp, straw pulp and secondly, white edge difference. Still some "pure wood pulp" in fact is to recover the paper, the state regulations to recover paper can not be used to produce paper towels. Dong Jinshi suggested that white towel paper towel paper will not; peel stack, each layer has no holes; Chekai cannot have a significant drop of paper powder; dry wet, no significant damage to spread.
Wet tissue: sticky hair may be harmful to the body
As the city of Beijing Industrial and Commercial Bureau examination results, some market under the banner of "cleaning wipes, cleaning wipes" banner goods may still be bacteria and fungi. Dong Jinshi showed that usually wipes is not up to the disinfection request, and will increase the alcohol, essence and preservative ingredients of many wipes, simply bring security risks. As a result, the use of wet paper towels to wipe the hands of the cleaning effect is far too late to wash hands. If wipes smell, it may add ingredients such as disinfecting solution, should be carefully selected. If wipes too sticky, and indirect touch food, may be harmful to humans. In addition, the purchase must pay attention to the production of the company name, performance specifications, production date, useful date and other information is not complete. Clean paper towels "under the general" usually in the day paper, toilet paper refers to cleaning paper, tissue paper including paper towels (including box and plastic bags, paper napkins, soft pumping) three kinds of wiping paper handkerchief, including paper towels and kitchen paper etc.. From the pulp materials, cleaning paper and paper towels can be used as recycled paper, waste materials, and paper towel and kitchen paper it is necessary to use the original pulp. From the cleaning procedure is microbial target, cleaning paper and paper towels as paper towel and kitchen paper demanding, for example, the total number of bacteria per gram in the former paper must not exceed 600, the latter not to exceed 200. Also, paper towel and kitchen paper production workshop is necessary for disinfection, by one-time cleaning supplies and cleaning production specification barrier, paper towels and no special request. So, the cleaning paper and paper towels can be used to wipe the mouth, also can be used to wipe clean the tableware and other fruits, directly touch the hands of export goods. And tissue paper and kitchen paper can be said to be the most clean specification paper, you can wipe your mouth, you can also give the baby to use.
Usually cleaning paper is used for cleaning the room, so the view from the toilet directly washed away, prevent cleaning between air pollution and water specification request paper easy differentiation, not the formation of septic tanks blocked. So the instant cleaning paper is not bad papers. The wet towel paper request has high flexibility, can quickly absorb water, water is not easy to differentiate into confetti. Thus, the best not to use when cleaning paper, or simply throw into the toilet after the formation of a water pipe blocking.
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